
Professional Paralegal Register

CILEX Professional Paralegal Register

This Register contains details of current CILEX Paralegal members who are registered as carrying out legal work.

You can search this Register to find a paralegal, to establish their status, the name and address of their employer, legal services they provide, and notices of any disciplinary findings against them.

CILEX Paralegals

A CILEX Paralegal listed in this Register holds a prescribed qualification or equivalent experience (minimum 2 years’) as defined within CILEX Member Regulations and has satisfied the prescribed conduct declaration requirements.

Please read the disclaimer information below.

Directory Search

Mr Ben Cornish View Profile
Membership Number: 60035302
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Miss Audrey Dupey View Profile
Membership Number: 60035399
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr Neil Fraser View Profile
Membership Number: 60034313
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Miss Shannon Freeman View Profile
Membership Number: 60035403
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr Simon Grosvenor View Profile
Membership Number: 60035402
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Ms Karen Johannesson View Profile
Membership Number: 60035405
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr Gareth Langford View Profile
Membership Number: 60035305
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Andy Loakes View Profile
Membership Number: 60035398
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr Giles Medd View Profile
Membership Number: 60035397
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Miss Rachel Oliver View Profile
Membership Number: 60035393
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr Michael Pettifor View Profile
Membership Number: 60035404
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Miss Staci Pipkin View Profile
Membership Number: 60035401
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr Michael Pow View Profile
Membership Number: 60034997
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr BRIAN SHEW View Profile
Membership Number: 60035407
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.
Mr Matthew Tobin View Profile
Membership Number: 60035396
Paralegal Status: Paralegal
Employer Name: Fraser and Fraser
Employer Address: 39 Hatton Garden LONDON EC1N 8EH
Disciplinary Record: If a CILEX professional has a disciplinary finding against them, it will be published in accordance with our Publication Policy. If there are any such disciplinary findings, there will be a link below to the details about the decision.


There are no disciplinary findings recorded against this member.

CILEX Professional Paralegal Register – Content Disclaimer

We aim to ensure that the information contained in the CILEX Professional Paralegal Register (CILEX PPR) is correct. However, we do not give any express or implied advice, representation, or warranty that the information is accurate, or in relation to any other matter. We do not accept liability for: any omission, inclusion or error in the information contained in the CILEX PPR, or for your reliance on the information contained in the CILEX PPR.

The CILEX PPR contains details of those with an active CILEX Paralegal membership status; The Employer Name and Employer Address details published on the Register are based on information provided to CILEX by the Paralegal Member. Additions, amendments, and changes to a Paralegal’s details will be reflected in the Register within 24 hours of an update being submitted.

Our Liability

Where permitted by law, we expressly exclude all conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law, or the law of equity. We do not accept liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage incurred by your direct or indirect use or reliance on information contained in the CILEX Professional Paralegal Register, use of the CILEX PPR, or inability to use the CILEX PPR. Direct, indirect, or consequential loss and damage shall include, but not be limited to, loss of profits or contracts, loss of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of goodwill, and wasted expenditure or management time.

Nothing shall affect our liability for death or personal injury, fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.